• 01-542982, 545720, 549106, 400156
  • info@ilbcedu.com, recdept@ilbcedu.com
  • ILBC



Primary After the completion of Kindergarten schooling, the students move up to Primary level (P1-P6), and continue to study Myanmar, English, Maths, Geography, World History, General Science, Computing Studies, Physical Education, Fine Arts and Music.

The students gain first-hand experience in Geography, Science and Computing Studies through excursions and access to the laboratory and the computer rooms.

Beginning March 2010, the school places a strict screening on Primary 6, so that only qualified students proceed to Secondary level. Students from Primary 6 need to get an average of 50 marks, and a clear pass in English in order to proceed to Secondary 1.


Regular Course

KG to Primary III Primary IV to Secondary VI
8:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. (Mon – Fri) 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. (Mon – Fri)

One academic year: June to March.

Part-time Course

8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
(Saturday & Sunday)
One academic year: June to March.